articleseducationMay 14, 2021by cityairadminCost of Replacing Air Conditioning and Heating (Calculator)

At City Air Experts, we understand that replacing air conditioning and heating units is a big investment that needs to be carefully analyzed before making a decision.

We put together the following calculator to help you understand the cost of keeping vs. replacing air conditioning and heating systems. Of course, there are too many variables to consider but this tool will provide you with a better understanding of different factors to be considered to make a decision.

Our calculator is broken down into five different areas:

  1. Inflation rate: If you decide to replace your unit in a couple of years, the price that you get today it won’t be the same as a couple of years from now.
  2. Today’s (and future) repairs: Old HVAC units are expensive to maintain.
  3. Utility Bill: In today’s world, air conditioning and heating systems are 10x more efficient than how they were 10 years ago. So, one of the benefits of replacing your unit is to get a lower energy bill. Check this calculator to better understand potential energy savings using a high-efficiency unit. You can also visit the Energy Star webpage.
  4. Other Costs: Some utility companies give incentives to customers for replacing air conditioning and heating systems. Ask your utility company about potential discounts.
  5. Today’s cost of replacing your Unit.

There are some considerations to effectively use the calculator:

  • The following calculator should be used as an example to better understand the cost associated with keeping vs. replacing air conditioning and heating systems. For final numbers, please give us a call at (704) 737 9200 or book your appointment online and we will be happy to assist you.
  • We understand that this tool is not 100% but we consider that it is a good way to calculate the cost of keeping vs. replacing.
  • If you have any suggestions to improve the calculator, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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