Air ConditioningMarch 22, 2024by cityairadmin5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Maintenance Now

5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Maintenance Now

As the weather heats up in North Carolina, your air conditioner will start working overtime. However, these units can experience wear and tear throughout the year, necessitating routine maintenance and upkeep. While a broken air conditioner can be a huge problem when the temperature gets too hot, there will likely be some warning signs.

Here are five ways to tell if your home’s A/C isn’t working correctly and needs professional maintenance from City Air Experts.

1. High Humidity Levels

Humidity often feels more uncomfortable than the actual temperature reading. Modern A/C units are designed to remove moisture from the air as they cool, providing a refreshing environment—unless you’re using a swamp cooler. However, with North Carolina’s high humidity levels in summer, your air conditioner might find it challenging to manage the increased workload.

While higher humidity levels in the home may be caused by other problems (i.e., window or door cracks), the A/C might be a likely culprit. The dehumidifier in the system may be busted, or the water might not be draining correctly.

2. Unusual Noises

One of the primary ways to tell if you need air conditioner maintenance service is if the machine starts making louder or more unusual noises than normal. Since you run your A/C during the season, you should be pretty familiar with how it sounds. Some noises to pay close attention to include:

  • Rattling
  • Banging
  • Whining
  • Gurgling

These sounds often indicate that some of the machinery within the A/C isn’t working correctly. For example, whining could indicate an issue with a fan belt or motor. Gurgling could mean a buildup of water within the system that isn’t draining properly. If you notice rattling or banging, that could mean some of the parts have come loose and are getting jostled around by the movement of the machine.

3. Constant Running

During the hottest parts of the year, your A/C will likely run almost constantly throughout the day. But there should be periods when it shuts off, and the house stays cool for a little while.

So, if your air conditioner is running without any breaks, that could indicate the machine isn’t working correctly. Either it’s not blowing cold enough air to lower the ambient temperature, or there’s something wrong with the sensor.

You can sometimes pinpoint the problem by seeing whether the house feels extra cold or not cool enough. If most of the house is still warm despite the A/C running 24/7, the device isn’t removing heat from the home. If the rooms are like a refrigerator, the sensor is likely the problem, as the A/C doesn’t know when to shut itself off.

4. Extra-High Utility Bills

Your energy bills will increase during summer and winter because you have to run the air conditioner or heat pump system throughout the season. However, you should already know how that will impact your monthly bill. So, if your energy costs are much higher than normal, the culprit could be a low-efficiency A/C system.

This is also why it’s imperative to invest in annual inspections. The air conditioner maintenance cost is much less than what you could pay in higher utility bills, and it’s definitely cheaper than replacing the entire system.

5. Off-Putting Smells

Because your air conditioner pulls water from the air, it needs to be able to drain that water somewhere. Unfortunately, moisture attracts mold, especially in North Carolina. Over time, mold and mildew can grow inside the air conditioner, including the intake and exhaust vents. This means when the unit kicks on, you’ll notice a musty or moldy smell.

Alternatively, you should also pay attention to smells like smoke or burning rubber, as these could indicate a problem within the machine. Overheating elements can break much faster, meaning you’ll have to replace the whole system.

Why Annual Air Conditioner Maintenance Makes Sense

The best time to inspect your home’s A/C is during the spring before you start relying on air conditioning to keep your home comfortable. This way, if there is a problem, you can get it fixed before the weather gets too hot. Overall, annual inspections help keep your machinery in excellent condition, extending its lifespan and keeping your utility bills in check.

Get Your A/C Up and Running Again With City Air Experts!

Don’t wait until your A/C breaks down to call us. Now is the perfect time to get your air conditioner inspected by City Air Experts. We can not only spot potential problems, but we can ensure your A/C unit will keep humming along all summer long! Contact us today to schedule your inspection.

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